Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Tips to Score A

Upsr 2010


Bahagian A

4 langkah utama :

1.      Pastikan anda membaca soalan sekali lalu. Pastikan anda tahu apa yang disoal.

2.      Baca sekali lagi dan tandakan kata kunci soalan.

3.      Tentukan tajuk yang disoal.

4.      Abaikan jawapan pengganggu.

Bahagian B

5  langkah utama :

1.      Pastikan anda membaca soalan sekali lalu. Pastikan anda tahu kehendak soalan.

2.      Baca sekali lagi dan tandakan kata kunci soalan.

3.      Tentukan dan tuliskan  pemboleh ubah ( variables) dalam soalan tersebut.

4.      Tentukan tajuk yang disoal.

5.      Tulis jawapan mengikut format jawapan yang betul.  


  • Using information from observations to make reasonable early conclusions.
  • Menggunakan data dari pemerhatian untuk membuat penerangan awal.

  • Making various possible interpretations from single observation
  • Memberikan pelbagai andaian dari pemerhatian tunggal

  • Using inferences as a tool to determine the appropriate additional observations.
  • Menggunakan inferens sebagai alat untuk mengenalpasti pemerhatian tambahan yang jitu

  • Testing the accuracy of inferences through additional observations.
  • Menguji ketepatan inferens melalui pemerhatian tambahan

  • Give reason to an observation or making an earlier conclusion from what have been observed.
  • Memberikan sebab kepada pemerhatian yang telah dibuat

The Inferences/Menginferens

  • Logical inference – any reason as long as it is logic.
  • Inferens logik- sebarang sebab yang logik

  • Comparing – any logical reason but the answer must be in a form of comparing.
  • Bandingan – sebarang sebab yang logik dalam bentuk bandingan

  • Controlled/exact – only one specific reason is accepted.
  • Jitu – hanya satu jawapan sahaja

Examples of questions

  • State two reasons based on the observation above.
  • State an inference for the condition of the fish in the aquarium.
  • Give a reason for the answer given in (a)
  • Why is the distance of the moving trolley decreasing?


    The Variables/ Pemboleh ubah-pemboleh ubah

    1. What to change (wc) / yang berubah
    2. What to observe/measure (wm) / yang diukur/ diperhatikan
    3. What to keep the same (same)/ yang sama

    1. What to observe/measure
    -          Thing that is being observed / measured /investigated / recorded / the result of an

    2. What to change (tc)
    -          Thing that is changed or being manipulated in an investigation and it has an effect on
          thing that is observed.

    3.  What to keep the same
    -          Thing that is always the same and kept constant in an investigation.  
    Interpreting Data/ mentafsir maklumat

    The questions based on the
    n        Table
    n        Graph
    n        Bar chart
    n        Diagram

    To state:
    Ø       The aim/purpose of the investigation
    Ø       The trend or pattern of the data given
    Ø       The relationship between the thing to change and thing to observe.
    Ø       By making conclusion or what you have learnt

    Aim / Purpose of the investigation or things to find out.

    Examples of questions

          What is the aim/purpose of the investigation above?
          What have you found out from the investigation?
          State the purpose of the investigation.
          What is/ state the aim of the investigation/experiment/ fair test
          What is/ state the purpose of the investigation/ experiment/ fair test
          What are you going to find out?

    The Sentence/ Cara Menjawab

    Ø       To investigate the relationship between..(what to change)..and ..(what to observe)….
    Ø       To find out the effect of ….(what to change)…on/to ….(what to observe)…./
    Ø       Mengkaji hubungan di antara ……… yang berubah …… dan …….yang diukur…..
    Untuk mengkaji kesan ……..yang berubah ….. terhadap/ kepada ….. yang diukur


    • Stating the outcome of a future event based on prior knowledge gained through experiences or collected data.
    • Able to determine the outcomes from an action.
    • Using pattern of data explicitly to make projections.
    • Confident with the accuracy of the prediction.
    • Able to verify a statement of related to future events based on evidence or past experiences.
    • Extrapolating and  inserting data as a tool to predict

    Two ways to make prediction.
    1. Based on the calculation from the data given. Answers obtained from the calculation is always exact (one whole number)

          2.   If the answer obtained is not exact or in range, write down only one whole
                number from that range
                Note:  Depends on the questions.

    Examples of questions

    • Predict the length of the string if a 5 kg load is used
    • Predict in which pot the seeds will grow the healthiest.
    • Predict the condition of the animal in container B after 2 weeks.
    • What will happen to the plant if it is covered with a box?



    Making a statement of which can be proven by doing an experiment or investigation or fair test

    Hypothesis sentence

    n        The more the time taken to heat the water, the more the temperature is.
    n        As the time taken to heat the water increases, the temperature also increases.
    n        The longer the string, the lesser the number of swings.
    n        Plants need water to grow well
    n        If the type of objects are different, the ability to absorb of water also different.

    Examples of questions

    a)      State a hypothesis based on the investigation above.

    b)      What is the hypothesis of this investigation?

    c)      Write a hypothesis based on the information above.

    Technique of answering:

    1. …..( trend/pattern)….  …(wtc)…..,  ……(trend pattern )……  ……(wto) ………

    2.    As/If/When  ......(wtc)….  ….(trend/pattern)….,  ….(wto) … also  …..(trend/pattern)….

    Clue:   1.  Identify the WTC and WTO
                2  Identify the trend/pattern of the WTC and WTO (if any)
                3..Relate the WTC and WTO to form hypothesis sentence

Saturday, June 5, 2010


Sains UPSR

Membimbing pelajar, ibu, bapa, penjaga, dan  guru cara-cara menghadapi kertas Sains UPSR

 Teknik Menjawab Soalan Sains UPSR 
 1.  Baca soalan dengan teliti sebanyak 2 kali
 2.  Analisa Jadual / Gambarajah / Graf
      2.1 Kaji fakta di dalam jadual
      2.2 Rangsangan pada gambarajah
      2.3 Tafsir graf (banding beza)
 3.  Elakkan jawapan dengan ayat yang panjang atau 
      kenyataan umum.
 4.  Gunakan maklumat / rangsangan yang diberikan dalam
 5.  Gunakan laras bahasa yang sesuai, tepat, dan ringkas.
 6.  Gunakan bahasa / istilah saintifik.
 7.  Jawapan mesti menepati konsep sains.
 8.  Anggaplah pemeriksa tidak tahu tentang sains.
 9.  Ingat, terdapat jawapan di dalam soalan.
10. Jangan banyak membuang masa pada soalan yang susah.
11. Sikap mesti positif, sentiasa semak soalan / jawapan.
12. Agihan masa Bahagian A (45 minit) dan Bahagian B
     (30 minit)
13. Banyakkan latihan menjawab soalan mengikut masa
Bahagian A
Daripada 30 soalan
Bahagian B
Daripada 20 markah
Terdiri daripada 30 soalan
   aneka pilihan.
Pelajar perlu betul 
   sekurang-kurangnya 15 
   soalan untuk layak lulus. 
Peratus 30 soalan betul
   ialah 60%.
Bagi setiap soalan, 
   hitamkan satu ruang 
   sahaja  pada kertas 
Masa 45 minit.
Jenis soalan: 
   # aneka pilihan.
   # aneka pelengkap.
Terdiri daripada 4 atau 5 
   soalan struktur. 
Pelajar perlu markah:
   5-9 untuk lulus C, 
   10-14 untuk lulus B, 
   15-20 untuk lulus A. 
Pelajar perlu menjawab
   di dalam ruang kertas 
Masa 30 minit.
4 kemahiran proses sains:
   # membuat inferens
   # membuat hipotesis
   # membuat ramalan
   # mentafsir maklumat

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Bonda terpaksa bawa cahayamata bonda yang sorang ni. Itu la, gaduh sangat kat rumah opah, siap gigit2 lagi dengan sikembarnya, terpaksa la tokpa call mama suruh ambil bawa ke sekolah. Nasib baik time ko-kurikulum, murid buat poster, so tak lah ganggu mama sangat.. Adik pun nampak seronok aje kene datang sekolah..dapat melukis sama. Siap kacau kakak Alya Sabrina kat sebelah tu. Kat rumah mama tak bagi pegang pen kan, nanti habis semua dinding rumah adik dan abang jadikan kertas lukisan..


Artikel ni saya gunakan masa nak exam semester 1 baru2 ni. Really helped me.. hope this will help you too..

Brain-based Learning

This learning theory is based on the structure and function of the brain. As long as the brain is not prohibited from fulfilling its normal processes, learning will occur.
People often say that everyone can learn. Yet the reality is that everyone does learn. Every person is born with a brain that functions as an immensely powerful processor. Traditional schooling, however, often inhibits learning by discouraging, ignoring, or punishing the brain’s natural learning processes.
The core principles of brain-based learning state that:
  1. The brain is a parallel processor, meaning it can perform several activities at once, like tasting and smelling.
  2. Learning engages the whole physiology.
  3. The search for meaning is innate.
  4. The search for meaning comes through patterning.
  5. Emotions are critical to patterning.
  6. The brain processes wholes and parts simultaneously.
  7. Learning involves both focused attention and peripheral perception.
  8. Learning involves both conscious and unconscious processes.
  9. We have two types of memory: spatial and rote.
  10. We understand best when facts are embedded in natural, spatial memory.
  11. Learning is enhanced by challenge and inhibited by threat.
  12. Each brain is unique.
The three instructional techniques associated with brain-based learning are:
  1. Orchestrated immersion–Creating learning environments that fully immerse students in an educational experience
  2. Relaxed alertness–Trying to eliminate fear in learners, while maintaining a highly challenging environment
  3. Active processing–Allowing the learner to consolidate and internalize information by actively processing it
How Brain-Based Learning Impacts Education
Curriculum–Teachers must design learning around student interests and make learning contextual.
Instruction–Educators let students learn in teams and use peripheral learning. Teachers structure learning around real problems, encouraging students to also learn in settings outside the classroom and the school building.
Assessment–Since all students are learning, their assessment should allow them to understand their own learning styles and preferences. This way, students monitor and enhance their own learning process.
What Brain-Based Learning Suggests
How the brain works has a significant impact on what kinds of learning activities are most effective. Educators need to help students have appropriate experiences and capitalize on those experiences. As Renate Caine illustrates on p. 113 of her book Making Connections, three interactive elements are essential to this process:
  • Teachers must immerse learners in complex, interactive experiences that are both rich and real. One excellent example is immersing students in a foreign culture to teach them a second language. Educators must take advantage of the brain’s ability to parallel process.
  • Students must have a personally meaningful challenge. Such challenges stimulate a student’s mind to the desired state of alertness.
  • In order for a student to gain insight about a problem, there must be intensive analysis of the different ways to approach it, and about learning in general. This is what’s known as the “active processing of experience.”
A few other tenets of brain-based learning include:
Feedback is best when it comes from reality, rather than from an authority figure.
People learn best when solving realistic problems.
The big picture can’t be separated from the details.
Because every brain is different, educators should allow learners to customize their own environments.
The best problem solvers are those that laugh!
Designers of educational tools must be artistic in their creation of brain-friendly environments. Instructors need to realize that the best way to learn is not through lecture, but by participation in realistic environments that let learners try new things safely.


Alahai..baru nak rasa seronok sebab harini last sekolah..tapi hilang keseronokkan itu bila mengenangkan exam PTK (Penilaian Tahap Kecekapan) yang bakal diduduki untuk kali yang ke berapa entah.. huhu.. Tensionnya, baru lepas 1 paper, ada lagi 1 paper. Entah bila nak lepas ni. Dah le kali ni last chance pulak tu, kalau still tak boleh dapat 4, alamatnya tunggu le 4 tahun lagi bila dah time based DG44.. heran betul macamane hubby boleh lepas semua paper PTK dia dengan mudah. Tapi OK juga, boleh tumpang..wakaka..

Untuk kawan2 yang nak amik PTK, jom le kita study sama2 kat sini. Klik gambar kat, jangan tak study.. :)